
Their mission: To meet people from 25 Countries, ask 5 questions, in 10 Minutes, and view the similarities and differences that connect us all.
Can they do it?

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Boryeong Mud Festival 2012

The !0 Hour Round Trip Drive Jinbong Drove for 10 hours Ready to go! The Clean Group Richard, Vincent and Monique Coloured Mud that took one hour to wait for! Coloured Mud Monique Angel Wings colour Super Heros Richard Super Heros 2 aaaahhhhhh Jinbong Muddy People The Mud Pit The Mud Pit The Mud Fountains Mud Pool Wash off Station Mud Jail The Beach- There was a flashmob and a dance party here- so much fun! IMG_5782 The Beginning of Jinbong's modeling career Jinbong modeling Drinks Coffee shop Mustaches Dinner the Night Before Octopus!


  1. hey guys, this blog is so great!! I love all the videos you've made.
